The New Majority | Spirituality is not dead
by Pastor Abigail | Creator of Everyday Sanctuary

Spirituality is not dead. On Amazon and Instagram it’s easy to dip your toe into Buddhism, gurus, experts, meditation, crystal healing, embodiment, inner work; But how easy is it to dip your toe in the Christian faith?
For some reason the image of stepping stones is vivid; on one side a bank where we begin life and on the other a point at which this life ends. In between there is flowing water and stepping stones that stand as particular moments in our life that lead us one way or another. There are so many stones available and thousands of directions possible. Each step is taken one at a time, sometimes forwards, back, sideways.
I was raised in the church and I am thankful for that. But I have also moved forward, back and sideways visiting temples, rituals, incense heavy prayer services, reading the metaphysical, wandered through spiritual texts, and using the unchristian to deepen my experience. I moved within these places still sensing faith.
Spirituality is not dead. On Amazon and Instagram it’s easy to dip your toe into Buddhism, gurus, experts, meditation, crystal healing, embodiment, inner work (and “Real Christians” tend to avoid these places); But how easy is it to dip your toe in the Christian faith?
Dipping your toe implies an infinitesimal submersion – testing out a tiny portion of your toe in something different. It’s not surrender – it’s easy to slip out and that’s the point. Few people submerge themselves into anything before dipping their toe. My Toddler takes a teeny bite of something new before it can ever become his favorite.
If I had to dip my toe into the Christian faith now, I’m not sure I would know how. Read a book, a gospel, go to church, listen to a podcast, pray they would say – all of which are more than infinitesimal commitments and all of whose content is typically created and curated for ‘already Christians;’ the person who already checked the Gallup poll as ‘church goer.’ But in 2020, only 47% of Americans said they belonged to a church, synagogue or mosque.1
There is a new majority who does not belong to a place of worship but may have a soul string deeply tied to Seeking; who is equally in the river stepping between stones and testing the waters. What have you created for them?
I don’t always turn the comments on when I post something. But I think comments from Christians and Seekers would be eye opening. I know Christians who will find this blog to be too Unorthodox and Seekers for which Christianity is the pain inducing floor lava they will avoid at all costs. I see you – I get both. I’m gonna keep on stepping.
Everyday Sanctuary’s free mobile app intentionally meets people where they are and puts seekers first to help make Sanctuary for all.
For some reason the image of stepping stones is vivid; on one side a bank where we begin life and on the other a point at which this life ends. In between there is flowing water and stepping stones that stand as particular moments in our life that lead us one way or another. There are so many stones available and thousands of directions possible. Each step is taken one at a time, sometimes forwards, back, sideways.
I was raised in the church and I am thankful for that. But I have also moved forward, back and sideways visiting temples, rituals, incense heavy prayer services, reading the metaphysical, wandered through spiritual texts, and using the unchristian to deepen my experience. I moved within these places still sensing faith.
Spirituality is not dead. On Amazon and Instagram it’s easy to dip your toe into Buddhism, gurus, experts, meditation, crystal healing, embodiment, inner work (and “Real Christians” tend to avoid these places); But how easy is it to dip your toe in the Christian faith?
Dipping your toe implies an infinitesimal submersion – testing out a tiny portion of your toe in something different. It’s not surrender – it’s easy to slip out and that’s the point. Few people submerge themselves into anything before dipping their toe. My Toddler takes a teeny bite of something new before it can ever become his favorite.
If I had to dip my toe into the Christian faith now, I’m not sure I would know how. Read a book, a gospel, go to church, listen to a podcast, pray they would say – all of which are more than infinitesimal commitments and all of whose content is typically created and curated for ‘already Christians;’ the person who already checked the Gallup poll as ‘church goer.’ But in 2020, only 47% of Americans said they belonged to a church, synagogue or mosque.1
There is a new majority who does not belong to a place of worship but may have a soul string deeply tied to Seeking; who is equally in the river stepping between stones and testing the waters. What have you created for them?
I don’t always turn the comments on when I post something. But I think comments from Christians and Seekers would be eye opening. I know Christians who will find this blog to be too Unorthodox and Seekers for which Christianity is the pain inducing floor lava they will avoid at all costs. I see you – I get both. I’m gonna keep on stepping.
Everyday Sanctuary’s free mobile app intentionally meets people where they are and puts seekers first to help make Sanctuary for all.
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